The Rise of LR
(Lance Roberts): “I would say like any successful company, our focus is on our clientele, our focus is on quality. One of the things that I think that has made us special is that we’re able to turn denials into success for our clients and that is something that I think separates us and makes us unique. “Setting the standards since 1995™” is just another way of saying the same thing.”
(Joe Williams): “The first office was at my house- a 10 x 10 bedroom that eventually had myself, Nicole, and Natalia working out of it. Now we have office personnel that’s been with this firm for almost 10 years. I have salespeople been with this firm for 8 or 9 years. We like to collect quality people, treat them as well as we possibly can, and train the bejeezus out of them.”
(Nicole Bromski): “I started at LR Contracting, Inc. in 2012 and I was one of the earlier employees hired, so it’s been really fun to watch it grow and expand, and just get bigger and better all the time. I would say when I felt like we were really taking off would be when we worked on our Sausalito project in 2015. That was a $4.1 million job. It was 161-units that we reroofed in Aurora, Colorado, and up until that moment we had mostly just been doing residential claims, and working on residential jobs, but when we got the Sausalito job, it was really a turning point for us. It was great to have a bigger project to do, we got it done ahead of budget, ahead of schedule, and the HOA was very pleased- we were very pleased with the work. It was definitely a real shining moment for us.”
(Scott Wiens): “We take a holistic approach to looking at the claims process and the restructuring process. I was looking at the file last night, and I noted that the insurance company had offered X number of dollars for a particular trade to somebody who didn’t really have much experience in the insurance business. If we wouldn’t have been there, potentially they would’ve just taken what was offered to them by the carrier and looking at the file over the last nine months we’ve had the carrier increase that dollar value for that particular trade five times… that tells me that people out there need what we have. What we do is hold the insurance companies’ feet to the fire. We make them pay exactly what they’re supposed to pay, no more no less- EXACTLY what they’re supposed to pay.”
(Lance Roberts): “Obviously we started in Denver (primarily), and we would travel a little bit from Colorado Springs and into Fort Collins, but in the last few years, we’ve begun to focus outside of the state. We were requested by some of our local ownership groups to go out and take care of properties in other states… for them, we were very successful in those attempts and decided we would start expanding close to the state so that we could keep a tight focus on everything that we did. We’ve opened up to Utah to Wyoming, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, a little bit in Oklahoma, and we’ve just recently entered the Texas market. I should not leave out Iowa as well.”
(Robert Meyers): “The company is growing, yes. The company is growing at the pace we want it to. You’ve got to have the supply chain keeping up with the frontend troops… (vice versa, so). The owner talks to me all the time about how much he wants coming in, where he wants it to come from, and that’s what we give him. It’s not too much, it’s not too little. We want to have controlled growth because we want to protect our customers, protect our name.
We went from following everyone else’s success, and following their standards, and trying to change that & make it better… we’re now the ones- Setting the Standard [since 1995™].
We are the “Gold Standard” for everyone else to follow.”
(Sam DeVries) “Communication is absolutely paramount in our industry. I think a lot of companies that have grown to the size we have, and on the national stage, have lost sight of what’s really important. They are concentrating on how many projects they complete every year, we want to concentrate on developing relationships with real estate investment trusts, homeowners associations, property management companies, asset ownership, and management companies… We want to build these relationships that are going to last years & years to come. We want you to have someone that you can trust when a storm hits your property.”
(Glenn Durham) “HOAs benefit by having a relationship with us, prior to any storm or natural disaster, because we have the ability to react quickly and be able to set them at ease. They know that things are going to be taken care of, and they’re going to be done the right way.”
(Lance Roberts) “The shift into multi-family has been fantastic- we love it! Huge amounts of growth and opportunity for us, so we’ve reallocated are our people into teams that are focus specifically on multi-family projects.”
(Tiffany Wempen) “With my 16 years of multi-family experience, I’m able to bring a unique understanding of the property managers, HOA boards, and other commercial real estate professionals. I’m able to help bridge the gap between the contractor and the hurdles that on-site people face in order to get things like roofs approved and moving forward. This allows us to really streamline the process on both the property management side and the construction side.”
(Joe Williams) “I think LR is a special brand, it’s the “LR Difference™” and it’s about the way we handle customers, the way we interact with our own people, and the way that we prosecute cases. Our job is to make customers whole, and that isn’t a quick-easy settlement that the insurance company gets to save a bunch of money because they overlook paint, or they overlook other sideline damage to your house. Be at your fence, your porch, your patio much less you’re roof. What was your house before the storm hits? and what’s it going to look like when we’re done? It’s going to look brand new by the time we’re done. Our people are going to be there every day a sub (contractor) is there. We’re going to deal with your insurance ourselves. We’re going to hire the best professionals be it billing or Pas… It’s a special thing, we go the extra mile, and ownership is involved every step of the way from start to finish.”
(Crissa Michaelis) “I think our clients appreciate most is that LR is very communicative, organized, helpful with all the processes of the claim and no matter what our clients are always our top priority.”
(Avi Bharosay) “Here at all LR we make sure that the stress of handling the money is completely off the customer. Most insurance companies will include a customer’s mortgage company on their insurance payout for whatever repairs they are doing whether it be the roof, the siding, the windows... if there’s a mortgage company on there, the insurance company is going to include it. We don’t want you to deal with that. It’s not your job to have to make sure your house is covered any fully paid for. That’s our job, and we’ll take care of that.”
(Kayla Douglas) “I started with our auto hail department GotHail.co and I had to take a nine-month break about two- years into me working with GotHail.co due to a cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, so that was a nine-month journey that LR Contracting Inc. really supported me through the entire time- financially, and personally, and I was able to come back to… working with the same people I loved working with in our roofing department, and I was able to watch that grow as well, it was very fulfilling.”
(Joe Williams) “We’re always growing, look you’re either going to grow or you’re going to shrink- nothing stays the same. The only constant in life is change. We would like our change to be in a positive fashion and it starts right here at home. Let’s be the best.”
(Lance Roberts) Obviously, we’re very excited about where we are. Proud of what we’ve accomplished, and excited we all have to high-five every once in a while for the good things that we get done. But we’re also hungry and know that there’s a lot more that we can do and a lot more that we want to do and we’re on the look for it all the time.”
So why call someone else? If you need help handling, negotiating, or determining if you are covered for a Hail Damages related insurance claim, work with LR Contracting Inc. and see what we mean when we say, “Experience the LR Difference!™”.
LR Contracting Inc.
2537 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80210
Corporate Headquarters: 720-323-3366
Roofing and Automotive: 888-678-HAIL
Email: Office@LRGotHail.com
Fax: 720-920-2012
"Experience the LR Difference!™"
Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Weekends by appointment only.